Filosofia das ciências sociais: ótimo lançamento!

Introduction: Philosophical Problems in the Social Sciences: Paradigms, Methodology and Ontology Ian C Jarvie PART ONE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE The Philosophy of Social Science from Mandeville to Mannheim Joseph Agassi Continental Philosophies of the Social Sciences David Teira The Philosophy of Social Science in the Twentieth Century: Analytic Traditions: Reflections on the Rationalitätstreit Paul Roth PART TWO: CENTRAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL ONTOLOGY Naturalism: The Place of Society in Nature Don Ross Language and Society Frank Hindriks Social Minds Laurence Kaufmann Rational Agency Fred D’Agostino Individualism, Collective Agency and the “Micro-Macro Relation” Alban Bouvier Rules, Norms and Commitments Fabienne Peter and Kai Spiekermann Systems Theory Andrea Pickel The Concept of Culture as Ontological Paradox Angel Díaz de Rada Power and Social Class in the Twenty-first Century Daniel Little Causality, Causal Models and Social Mechanisms Daniel Steel PART THREE: A PHILOSOPHER’S GUIDE TO SOCIAL SCIENCE PARADIGMS Rational Choice Theory Cédric Paternotte Game Theory Giacomo Bonanno Social Networks Joan de Martí and Yves Zenou Normative Criteria of Social Choice Maurice Salles and Antoinette Baujard Analytical Sociology Peter Hedström and Petri Ylikoski Institutions Chrysostomos Mantzavinos Evolutionary Approaches Geoffrey Hodgson Functionalism and Structuralism Anthony King Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Ethnomethodology Hans-Herbert Köegler Pragmatism and Symbolic Interactionism Alex Dennis Social Constructionism, Postmodernism and Deconstructionism Patrick Baert, Darin Weinberg and Véronique Mottier Theories of Culture, Cognition and Action Sun-Ki Chai Communicative Action and Critical Theory Martin Morris PART FOUR: METHODOLOGY: ASSESSING AND USING SOCIAL THEORIES Facts, Values and Objectivity Heather Douglas Idealised Representations, Inferential Devices and Cross-Disciplinary Tools: Theoretical Models in Social Sciences Tarja Knuutila and Jaakko Kuorikoski Empirical Evidence: Its Nature and Sources Julian Reiss Experiments Francesco Guala Mathematics and Statistics in the Social Sciences Stephan Hartmann and Jan Sprenger Artificial Worlds and Agent-Based Simulation Till Grüne-Yanoff Explanation in the Social Sciences Jeroen van Bouwel and Erik Weber Prediction Gregor Betz Science and Technology Studies and Social Epistemology: The Struggle for Normativity in Social Theories of Knowledge Steve Fuller Expert Judgment María Jiménez and Jesús Zamora-Bonilla Social Technology Maarten Derksen and Anne Beaulieu EPILOGUE: Rationality in the Social Sciences: Bridging the Gap Jesús Zamora-Bonilla

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